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August 2021

Beverages, San Francisco

I love orange soda but it needs a diet soda. A rich diet soda.

Lorraine Martindale

July 27, 2021

Beverages, San Francisco

I love orange soda but it needs a diet soda.

A rich diet soda.

What do you mean?

Like, rich taste.

I still love coke.

This is pesto mayo, but whatever.


The bubbles are awesome man.

It’s dry, though.

Are you using this chair?

There he is!

The rain.

This has like balsamic in it.

What’s that?


There’s donut seltzer?

Lemon lime is too boring like most citrus types.

Watermelon flavor takes like sugar.

I love grape flavor though. Surprisingly I’m not a big fan of wine.

I like wine.

Red or white?


Natural light seltzer – totally awesome.

Others taste like corn syrup.

Peach flavored is pretty good but I don’t like peaches—too much going on.

I like green grapes. But red grapes, man.

Grapes are an experience.

If someone says I have grapes it’s like—

Those yellow ones? Those are the--

Craisins are—

I love craisins.

Lorraine Martindale has published creative work in The Fictional Cafe and, and has an MFA from The New School. Her fiction appears in the anthology The Reader: An Anthology from the Brooklyn Writers Space. She is at work on a novel about the complicated lives of musicians, and lives in Los Angeles.

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