August 2021
Boy Toy
He licks sweet strawberry scorn / Fresh from a hand-blown faucet
By Kyle Rea
August 5, 2021

He licks sweet strawberry scorn
Fresh from a hand-blown faucet,
Staining two wanting lips.
Shivers and shatters into
Watch him cavort and careen,
Kick off those combats,
A cancerous teleplay of congenial suffering.
Deceptive sleight of hand
Makes his dick go hard like
Well-read and blank faced,
He unbuttons a new studious try-on,
Scowling at his own degradation.
Tomorrow finds his back row listlessness,
GPAs and Shakespeare sonnets,
Daydreams of “fuck me” and “get out.”
Kyle Rea is a queer writer from Ohio. They currently live in New York City, where they’re pursuing a creative writing MFA at The New School. Their poetry and fiction can be found in Subnivean, Dirty Girls Magazine, Jenny Magazine, and more.